Had a late start leaving for Cape Hatteras, but Ben a I enjoyed saying our last "goodbyes" to the McGuckin family.....and the hot shower was good too. We had decided to take the ferry to Lewes, where I lost my sunglasses in the Delaware River. I guess it's a good spot for them though, because now I'll never forget where they've run off to....................
After heading out on the road again, I offered to drive the rest of the 7 hours to the Cape, but didn't realize how shitty of a driver I was until I watched myself struggle driving strait down the highway for 5....... I don't think I would ever want to move to Virginia, the air quality is so bad. There may be some good areas that I had missed somehow, but what I had experienced was that the state just smells like processed chickens..........with the exception of the Tysons's factory, who is responsible for slicing and dicing these poor birds.