
Saturday's full moon had been called a "supermoon" because the moon had been closer to us than it has been in the last 18 years, making it appear unusually larger in the night sky. I had traveled with some friends last weekend to go camping; for the celebration of the "extreme" moon, somewhere in southern Utah. It was a magical place. The moon had illuminated the entire area, making the night appear as new day. The night was without a doubt a surreal experience - and that moon................madly great. She truly had a hold on me that night. I felt as helpless as a moth to a flame. 

Although the moon wasn't as "extreme" as most people had claimed, it was still a special night. It had been a memorable weekend for many reasons. One reason being the beautiful gift that MOTHER EARTH had given me:

Great chunk of petrified wood.

crystallization on the bark..............................nice.