My sister's nineteenth birthday is today. I wanted to post an older picture of us when we were kids, but I can't seem to find my pile of old photos. Either way, I hope my sister had a wonderful day.

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LOST MY NOTEBOOK TODAY! Losing my notebook with all my thoughts + ideas + lyrics + poems + doodles & etc. can fill me with a lot of anxiety. I keep that little notebook everywhere I go, because you never really know when inspiration hits you- I also have a terrible memory. I'm very scatterbrained, and to make the day easier I write everything down. Trying not to let it get to me... maybe I was meant for a fresh new start. I'm feeling like it will find it's way back to me someway...

//illustration by Jesse. Love his blog

The heart is a sad musician, forever playing the blues.  

Bob Kaufman, from “War Memoir”

carrot bisque and coconut rice.

a nice snack after work.


forget prior engagements. cancel other plans. jot it down immediately in your date book. write it in red pen.

Hands off


feel like I've been neglecting my blog again... sorry.

 getting ready for Caitlyn's zine!

Love your work, EMILIE LINDSTEN.

Work from a client I work with.

John Cale - Big White Cloud

setting the tone for the new year. Got a good feeling about 2012. Bring on the new age!

made these rings for when Kasey comes to visit. I hope she likes them

CIMG2760 by Sharece Phillips 

fossilized walrus ivory

been missing you dragonfly, counting off the days till you fly my way